There are already some urban planning concepts for new buildings in the city of the future. Two very exciting concepts are the division of the city into individual quarters and the so-called "Vertical City".

The city of tomorrow will once again be thought of more in terms of neighbourhoods, with a more people- and environmentally-friendly mix of living, working, local amenities, social meeting places, services and more. It is therefore obvious that the complex field of mobility and logistics planning should also be considered in modern neighbourhood development.

We are convinced that our high-rise parking solutions are perfect for neighbourhoods or cities where excavation is very costly. Digitalisation in parking management and parking search is also advancing at a rapid pace. For convenience and sustainability reasons alone, our modern networked world requires us to develop new ways of thinking and solutions when it comes to parking management.


Vertical Villages are a building trend that is finding more and more supporters and followers. Here, supermarket, office and flat are planned in one house so that the residents' distances are very short.
In some projects worldwide, our parking systems have additionally been able to accommodate the parking aspect in the same building.
Whether underground or in the base of a high-rise building, for example - our parking systems offer the ideal solution.


Chapultepec uno, mexico city

Mexico City challenges daily life: air pollution, light pollution, earthquakes, congested roads, plus the sheer size of the 22-million metropolis. Housing and parking spaces are lacking. The new Chapultepec Uno tower houses offices, flats and rooms of the high-end hotel brand Ritz Carlton. The luxury building marks the border between megacity and oasis of calm.

Climbing to the 60th floor and arriving at the heliport reveals an incredible view over the Bosque de Chapultepec, roughly Mexico City's Central Park. The opening of Chapultepec Uno is imminent - quietly and without much celebration due to the pandemic. In the corridors of the new skyscraper, visitors:inside are greeted by fine Turkish marble and black granite walls that emphasise a modern nonchalance. Perhaps the most surprising thing: the silence. The noise of the vibrating surroundings is shut out. The double-skin all-glass façade with air circulating inside also ensures that no thermal energy is lost.
In addition, spacious terraces on each floor separate the hustle and bustle of the big city from the tranquillity of the luxury property. The tower offers over 4,000 square metres of terrace space.

Located on the emblematic and historic Avenida Paseo de la Reforma, the building stands 241 metres tall. The street stretches 15 kilometres through the city and runs along the Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico City's green lung. The castle Castillo de Chapultepec, which towers over the green area, was once a military academy. It functioned as both an imperial and a presidential residence. Today, the magnificent castle houses the Museo Nacional de História, the National History Museum. Crowds flock here on Sundays, when admission is free.

Torre Reforma, mexico city

The world's most innovative skyscraper - Torre Reforma - relies on WÖHR. A fully automatic car parking system of the type Multiparker 750 creates 424 parking spaces on 12 above-ground levels in the gigantic office tower.

Parking in the world's most innovative skyscraper

Die im November 2018 mit dem internationalen Hochhauspreis ausgezeichnete Torre Reforma des mexikanischen Architekten L. Benjamín Romano überzeugt mit ihrem signifikanten Erscheinungsbild, einem außergewöhnlichen Tragwerkskonzept, das zur Erdbebensicherheit beiträgt, hochwertigen Materialien und modernster Technologie. Zu den sorgfältig geplanten Details für das neue Hochhaus der Superlative zählt auch das vollautomatische Parksystem von WÖHR. Auf 12 oberirdischen Ebenen stapeln zwei Multiparker 750 – wie alle Systeme von WÖHR projektbezogen konzipiert – 424 Stellplätze im Hochregal.

Mit dem dreieckigen Grundriss, der kantigen, emporstrebenden Form und der Nutzung als Büro- und Geschäftshaus mit Läden, Restaurant und Fitnesscenter hebt sich die Torre Reforma von anderen reinen Wohnhochhäusern weltweit ab. Eine weitere Besonderheit ist eine auf Erdgeschossebene liegende historische Villa aus den 1920er Jahren, die mit der gesamten Grundfläche angehoben und in die Hochhaus-Skulptur integriert wurde. Dazu wurde der gesamte Bau auf eine extrem tragfähige Betonplatte geschoben, temporär versetzt und nach der Fertigstellung der entsprechenden Fundamente wieder an den ursprünglichen Ort verschoben.

Hamilton scotts, SINGAPORE

Hamilton Scotts, Singapore - The luxury Skygarage offers 116 parking spaces on 29 levels on Multiparker 720.

Im Hamilton Scotts in Singapur ist die Parkplatz-Lösung eine „unique selling proposition“ für die Immobilie. In 29 Wohnebenen werden jeweils 2 Stellplätze vor dem Appartement angeboten. Für Autoliebhaber im Luxus-Segment, die ihr Auto im Blickfeld haben möchten, ist dies einer der Hauptgründe, ein Appartement zu erwerben.

With the fully automatic Wöhr Multiparker 720 car parking system, the Ferrari or Lamborghini can be parked gently and safely at a height of more than 100 m in the Skygarage. While the passenger lift takes the owners comfortably to their flat, the Multiparker brings their car quickly and reliably to one of the 29 levels.


Parking as part of new neighbourhoods. Decentralised parking facilities for maximum convenience for residents, who do not have to struggle with finding a parking space, but have a nearby parking space for cars and bicycles. When planning new urban neighbourhoods, parking should not be forgotten and should be made as convenient as possible for the user.


When there is a lot of space in the length but little space in the width, the Slimparker 557 proves its advantages. For narrow strips between two buildings, this slim system requires a minimum installation width of only 2.60 m. The Crossparker 558 offers an extension of the slim Slimparker 557 in width.


If "parking ideas" are skyrocketing, it is very likely that one of these automatically controlled parking systems is involved. Following the principle of a shelf, the vehicles are parked in compartments on the right and left. This creates a tower, a shaft or a tower/shaft combination - entirely according to the individual project requirements. In the Parksafe models from WÖHR, a central lift is installed that transports the cars fully automatically to a free shelf compartment where they are stored safely against theft and vandalism.


Everything is relative - but when it really comes to a lot of parking spaces, it's best to go for a system from this range. Storage and retrieval machines or shuttles move vehicles in all three movement axes. The different variants meet a wide variety of needs, always with the objective of gaining more space for even more vehicles by stacking vehicles next to and on top of each other in a kind of high bay.


Discover WÖHR's concepts for the city of the future